Soft Tissue Grafting

Periodontal procedures are available to stop further dental problems and gum recession, and/or to improve the esthetics of your gum line.Exposed tooth roots are the result of gum recession. Perhaps you wish to enhance your smile by covering one or more of these roots that make your teeth appear too long or maybe you're not bothered by the appearance of these areas, but you cringe because the exposed roots are sensitive to hot or cold foods and liquids. Your gums may have receded for a variety of reasons, including aggressive tooth brushing, the way your teeth fit together or from the bone caused by periodontal disease. You may not be in control of what caused the recession, but prior to treatment your periodontist will help you identify the factors contributing to the problem. Once these contributing factors are controlled, a soft tissue graft procedure will repair the defect and help to prevent additional recession and bone loss. Soft tissue grafts can be used to cover roots or develop gum tissue which is absent due to excessive gingival recession. Dr. Miller uses a innovative technique to free your existing compromised gum from the teeth and bone. Then he takes gum tissue from your palate or another donor source such as cadaver tissue to cover the exposed root(s). This can be done for one tooth or several teeth to even your gum line and reduce sensitivity. Dr. Miller has treated as many as 10 in one procedure using the donated cadaver tissue. A soft tissue graft can reduce further recession and bone loss. In some cases, it can cover exposed roots to protect them from decay; this may reduce tooth sensitivity and improve esthetics of your smile. A beautiful new smile and improved periodontal health - your keys to smiling, eating and speaking with comfort and confidence. Healing at 1 week Healing at 3 weeks Bone Regeneration Your bone and gum tissue should fit snugly around your teeth like a turtleneck around your neck. When you have periodontal disease, this supporting tissue and bone is destroyed and pockets develop. Eventually, if too much bone is lost, the teeth will need to be extracted. Dr. Miller may recommend a regenerative procedure when the bone supporting your teeth has been destroyed. These procedures can reverse some of the damage by regenerating lost bone and tissue. During this procedure, Dr. Miller folds back the gum tissue and removes the disease-causing bacteria and tarter. Membranes made out of collagen or synthetic materials, bone grafts (your own bone or donated bone from a tissue bank) or tissue-stimulating proteins can be used to encourage your body&'s natural ability to regenerate bone and tissue. The tissue is then sutured back in place and the area is allowed to heal. It takes several months to allow the bone to regenerate and the surgical site must be kept very clean during that time.

Eliminating existing bacteria and regenerating bone and tissue helps to reduce pocket depth and repair damage caused by the progression of periodontal disease. With a combination of daily oral hygiene and professional maintenance care, you&'ll increase the chances of keeping your natural teeth – and decrease the chances of serious health problems associated with periodontal disease. There are many options to enhance support for your teeth and to restore your bone to a healthy level. Dr. Miller will discuss your best options with you. After Regeneration Before Bone Regeneration Surgery

Periodontal Cosmetic Procedures

First impressions are everything! So why not make a good first impression when you meet someone, go on a job interview or a first date by dazzling him or her with your "Hollywood smile." Whatever the reason, periodontal plastic procedures can help you "knock the socks off" of anyone by giving you a perfect smile and boosting your confidence so you can be at your best. Cosmetic surgery has become more popular than ever before especially now that more Americans are living longer and aging more gracefully with the help of plastic surgery. Periodontal plastic surgery has also felt this trend as it has experienced a significant shift toward cosmetic-related surgery to help make smiles last a lifetime. A recent poll of 253 consumers conducted by the American Academy of Periodontology found the following:

50% of people consider the smile the first thing they notice 80% are not happy with their smile Respondents were seven times more likely to have periodontal smile enhancement procedures than face-lifts Periodontal enhancement procedures outnumbered eyelid surgeries five to one Gummy Smile or Uneven Gum Line Do you feel your teeth look too short and your smile is too gummy or your gums cover too much of some teeth while leaving the others the right length? If so crown lengthening might be the solution for you. During this procedure, excess gum tissue is removed to expose more of the crown of the tooth. Then your gum line is sculpted to give your new smile just the right look. Before crown lengthening 18 months after crown lengthening 4 years after crown lengthening Long Teeth/Exposed Roots Do you feel you look older than you really are? Sometimes gum recession causes the tooth root to become exposed, which makes your teeth look long and can make you look older than you are. This recession can happen as a result of a variety of causes, including periodontal diseases. Whatever the reason, exposed roots are unappealing and can leave you at risk of developing cavities on your tooth root. Soft tissue grafts and other root coverage procedures are designed to cover exposed roots, to reduce further gum recession and to protect vulnerable roots from decay.

Before root coverage After root coverage Missing Teeth Are you starting to look like your grandmother because missing teeth are causing unappealing gaps in your smile? If, so dental implants might be the answer for you. Dental implants are a more natural looking option compared to dentures or bridges because implants look and feel just like your own teeth. They also allow you to speak and eat with comfort and confidence. During this procedure, an artificial tooth root is placed into your jaw, and after a healing period, an artificial tooth is attached to the root.

More about Dental Implants

Before dental implant After dental implant Indentations in the Gums and Jawbone Tooth loss can cause an indentation in the gums and jawbone where the tooth used to be. This happens because the jawbone recedes when it no longer is holding a tooth in place. Not only is this indention unnatural looking, it also causes the replacement tooth to look too long compared to the adjacent teeth. Ridge augmentation can fill in this defect recapturing the natural contour of the gums and jaw. A new tooth can then be created that is natural looking, easy to clean and beautiful. Periodontal plastic procedures can give you a perfect smile and boost your confidence so you can be at your best. After Long Teeth/Exposed Roots Do you feel you look older than you really are? Sometimes gum recession causes the tooth root to become exposed, which makes your teeth look long and can make you look older than you are. This recession can happen as a result of a variety of causes, including periodontal diseases. Whatever the reason, exposed roots are unappealing and can leave you at risk of developing cavities on your tooth root.

Soft tissue grafts and other root coverage procedures are designed to cover exposed roots, to reduce further gum recession and to protect vulnerable roots from decay. Before After Before Gummy Smile or Uneven Gum Line Do you feel your teeth look too short and your smile is too gummy or your gums cover too much of some teeth while leaving the others the right length? If so crown lengthening might be the solution for you. During this procedure, excess gum tissue is removed to expose more of the crown of the tooth. Then your gum line is sculpted to give your new.